So here we are, a year later. The yarn crawl post has been sitting around in draft form for a year. It's time to share, so here goes Part 1 of my yarn crawl....
My goal--visit three, maybe four yarn shops west of Midway on my way to the hotel, and try to only buy yarn that I can't easily get back east. (I should say that the office is in the northern 'burbs, not the Chicago proper.) I plotted everything out with Mapquest, printed out all my directions, and after picking up my rental car and a PotBelly Sandwich (mmmmmm...), proceeded to my first stop...
Chix With Stix in Forest Park.

My next stop was Knitche in Downers Grove. It was good size shop with a coffee bar, a separate area for classes (cool!) and a nice selection of yarns, but there was nothing that I couldn't find anywhere else. I didn't take any pictures there either, but if you look here you can see the shop for yourself.
My third and final stop for the day was Fringe in Aurora. Wow! What a shop! They arrange their yarns by color, not weight. A total feast for the eyes!
Again, tons of Malabrigo (I'm so jealous of you guys!), but I didn't buy any of it. Instead, I agonized over what I would buy. I wound up focusing on these skeins of Fleece Artist sock yarn...
...but eventually got my focus back and decided that I could probably find these in New York, so ultimately these weren't part of the stash enhancement plan. But this did...

A gorgeous subtle plummy-burgundy subtle solid dyed exclusively for Fringe. But I have to ask--was this the predecessor to Dream In Color???
Next time... a pilgrimage to Marengo!
What great shops - thanks for sharing!
I want smooshy...
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