(Actually, I’m only writing this on the boat, not posting it from the boat, but please play along.)
I’m on my way back from a sweltering weekend up in Massachusetts. The LHA had it’s TimeLine event at Borderland State Park. Jim and I hoteled it instead of camping, and boy was I happy to have air conditioning and running water! Saturday was the worst of the heat. I found this guy on my car as we were leaving the hotel to go to the park.

Yeah, it was freakin' hot, alright. And time warped too. Where else would you see these guys in the same place?

Some ancient Romans...
And a variety of other time travelers.

Instead of having dinner in camp, since we weren’t camping and didn't bring anything in order to cook, and we were lucky enough to have dinner with Carole!

We had a blast! We talked about reenacting and work and knitting and yarn and all sorts of stuff. Good food, great company! Of course, we each brought a sock--she brought her finished Monkeys, as well as socks she's working on for Hannah (lucky girl!), and I brought my little handpaint sock.
It was so great to spend time with Carole. I wish we could do it more often, but the distance thing is tough. But I'll keep trying every time I'm up in her neck of the woods.
Jess--you're up next for a visit! And Jenny too!
OK, time to dock in Orient. Until next time...