Some ramblings about life, knitting, and spinning, although not necessarily in that order...
Maybe look a little closer...
Woo-hoo! A Sock Club Shipment!! Really unexpected this time around--the way it's supposed to be!!! After the ordeal of the last two shipments, I was really beginning to wonder if these would ever be a surprise, or just a continuous nightmare of shipping delays and tiptoeing through the blogsphere to avoid sock spoilage. I saw a couple of postings on the Rockin' Sock Blog, but nothing that would raise my expectations.
And about this month's shipment? I really love it, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone else. You can look here and here if you want to see, but I'm not posting anything in a blog post until all the shipments are out there.
But Punkin will see it this weekend. She'll probably try to covet it, I bet. Ain't happening.
Of course, she could just place another order with BMFA...
...must knit more rows...
It's good to be back home in Vermont!
Claudia's Blog (25)
CrazyAuntPurl (30)
Dave Daniels Cabin Cove (32)
january one (34)
knit and tonic (22)
Lolly Knitting Around (27)
Mason-Dixon Knitting (34)
Now Norma Knits (10)
purlingswine (33)
Sandy's Knitting (29)
Too Much Wool (22)
The Tsarina Tsays... (21)
Yarn Harlot (28)
I'm coming back to blogland. I'm now done with the other class, although it didn't end well for me. Long story, I'll explain in a few weeks, but I'm OK with it right now. Work has been really crazy busy the last few weeks and we've started working on son-of-the-book-that-shall-remain-nameless. (It's a quarter of the size of the other book, but only half the angst.) It seems like my nasty sinus infection has cleared up, but in it's place I've got a middle ear infection--and 10 more days of antibiotics. Geesh...
Anyway, as a mid-year's resolution (a New Year's Resolution that's six months late) I'm going to start blogging more frequently. I haven't set the goal yet, but I'm thinking at least a minimum of twice a week. Carole is so good about blogging during the work week, and if I could be just half as good as her I'd be thrilled. So there may be some lame posts, but I need to develop the discipline--and to write. And maybe a redesign. (I really need a different look for my blog.) So humor me, please, while I get my sh*t together here.
And now I present... blog pictures!
Here's the Yarn Harlot representing at the Calvin in Northampton. Seriously. She's inside there. I took this picture at 6:39 on May 20th. She was inside there. I was driving by. (Yeah, I know, I was heading south and had to be back on Long Island at a reasonable hour.)
I got the summer plantings taken care of over Memorial Day weekend...
Such a lovely stone wall, isn't it? Props to my beloved. His stone wall is the talk of the Mount Snow region. Seriously. I was with him at his doctor's office last week and somebody who works there came over to us to tell us how much they liked the wall. (What can I say--it's a small town!)
And last but not least, here's some knitting content. Presenting a swatch of my first handpaint!
I'm thrilled with it! I can't wait to bring it over to Punkin's so we can figure out what sock pattern I should use. Of course, I'm open to suggestions from everyone. Please?
And now on to something that's not law related...
Well, that's it for now. I have got to get some sleep. And maybe tomorrow there will be a little more blogging?