Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quick update on Vermont flooding

Just wanted to let everyone know that my house in Jacksonville, Vermont, was unaffected by the catastrophic flooding that occurred this past weekend. However, we were very, very lucky. Wilmington, the next closest town, was devastated. Many roads and bridges in the area were compromised, if not washed away. So many mind-numbing images online of the destruction. So overwhelming...

So until I can do a more extensive post, here's information about how you can help the people of Vermont.

Take care and be safe, everyone!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eye Candy Friday -- The Impending Storm Edition

The approaching ominous clouds over Jones Beach Theater, right before the scheduled start of last week's Jimmy Buffett concert...

Who'd a thought that a week later we'd be getting ready for significant hurricane! I've got the day off to day, so we'll be battening down the hatches at Chez Elizzabetty. If you're in the path of Irene (and that's one might big path she has), please stay safe!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Eye Came Friday--The Calming Version

Some soothing blues and greens for a Friday...

Colorway "Peace" from my Psychedelic Moose series...

You know, these just might find their way into the Etsy shop this weekend...

Friday, August 05, 2011

Eye Candy Friday--The "where the hell have you been" edition

Yeah, I know. Long time, WTF? There's been a lot going on, and I'll get into it all eventually. But for now, how about some
"fruits" of my labor...