Made it up to Hildene for our living history event two weeks ago.

And while sitting on the front lawn of the mansion, I made my first dishcloth!

Started Saturday afternoon, finished Sunday afternoon. Want some stats?
Pattern: I adapted a basketweave pattern from More Sensational Knitted Socks, casting on 48 stitches.
Needles: Brittany birch 10" straights, size 7
Yarn: 16 oz bag of mystery cotton from AC Moore (cheap even before the 25% Moonlight Madness sale discount).
I can see how these little puppies can be addictive. This one was promptly gifted to a Sanitary Commission group that so graciously invited me and Jim for dinner in their camp Saturday night. Wonderful food and even better company!
Last weekend--a visit with Punkin and her family. Brought my dulcimer and viola. Her DS loved the dulcimer (despite the unhappy face he made for the camera), although not as much as the my swift and ball winder. Her DH really like the viola. Wants to borrow it sometime for a gig. I really should start playing it more myself...
Sandwiched in between the weekends? Work, work, work... some knitting on the train... more work. But this week I did get to meet Punkin at The Village Knitter for Knit Night. Even left work early to get there
I have to go into the office both days this weekend. Blech-blech! Me thinks the time to make a change is going to come sooner than I was planning...
Next time, an update on my handpainted sock. Slowly but surely I'm making progress...
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