So without further delay, welcome to National De-Lurking Week!

Just a few days late! Shout out to Jessalu for bringing it to our attention!
So, please leave a comment. Even if it's just a "whoa"! Something? Anything?!? (As long as it's relatively clean and tasteful, please. Please?)
Whoa. ;-)
Do I lurk? Hmmm.... not sure. At any rate, here's to delurking.
Hey, have you told anyone else in the office about this blog?
I should be writing my self-eval right now. But lurking's just more fun. :)
Delurking here...happy knitting!
Hey - thanks for the shout-out ;o)
I'm always a few days late myself so no worries - I think that's why they made it a week this year instead of just a day.
BTW, not sure if you noticed my shout-out on Frappr - my bf is from Huntington, LI so, I have nothing against new yawkahs (as long as they're nice, that is) ;o)
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