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Now, on to the post for today...
Requesting the pleasure of my company is... the U.S. District Court this Tuesday at 1 pm! I gotta go to Brooklyn for Jury Duty!!!
(What's with the 1 pm reporting time? I've never heard of that before! And how come I gotta go to Brooklyn? Couldn't they have sent me to Central Islip instead? Much closer to home and I wouldn't have to be on a train before 7 am! Don't they know that I am not a morning person?!? Oh man...) OK, I'll end my whiney rant now.
I've reported for jury duty in the state courts, but never the federal court. Fortunately for me, traveling to Brooklyn in no big deal
I'm certainly willing to do my civil duty, but man, couldn't they wait until [the book that shall remain nameless] went to the printer?!?!?!?!?!?
Oh well, hopefully I'll be finished in a day or so. Hopefully I'll get some knitting done while I'm waiting with the other jurors. (Hopefully they won't make me check my knitting at the door with my cell phone and camera!) Hopefully I'll get dismissed early and I can sneak in a stop at a Brooklyn yarn shop or two? Anybody got any recommendations for something near Cadman Plaza?
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Well, it's going to be a busy week, what with jury duty, the-book-that-shall-remain-nameless, and preparations for meetings in Massachusetts and Vermont this weekend. (I'm gonna get to see Carole this weekend! Woo-hoo!!!) I don't know how much posting I'll get to do, but I promise I'll try and post something. For now, I leave you with a picture...

Some merino roving I picked up at Webs. Less than an ounce. Just so I can play with my spindle...
Ah ha! I take it that means you're coming to the Brigade meeting on Saturday? Damn it all that I'm secretary. I won't be able to sit with you and heckle.
Tell Carole I said 'Hi!' :o)
I want you to know that if someone called me for jury duty as I was finishing a book my brain would liquify and run out my left ear.
You seem to be taking it quite calmly.
Well, Stephanie, I don't know if I'm exactly calm about it...
It was good for some quality nap time. And I could have brought my notebook PC with me, if I felt like lugging a boulder all day. (Cell phones and cameras are not allowed.) Still, I'd rather have been at work.
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