Just a little 'ol update on some of my current projects...
First off, the watchcap for my mother's boyfriend.

Next is a gauge swatch for my entry in the Knitting Olympics.
Vesper socks that will be knit using the Magic Loop method. It's my first time using Vesper sock yarn and I'm so hooked on it! It's also my first attempt at the Magic Loop, and if it starts out well I might even add a simultaneous second sock. Let the games begin!!!
And finally the Malabrigo double rib wrist warmers to match my emerald ring.I was going along on this one just fine, but there's something up with the thumb gusset. See?
I've finished the gusset, but the rib pattern is off. I'm just going to keep going with this and see how it works out. What's the worst thing that could happen--I have to frog it and start over? Whatever, I'll see how it works out.
Well, these are the thing's I've been alternating with lately. I'm hoping to get back to a few other projects, including Jim's Civil War socks and his arm sock. I mean, the guy's willing to marry me. The least I can do is finish his knitted items. Plus, he's been asking about them. He even remembered that I'm using Malabrigo for the arm sock! He actually said "Malabrigo!"
I'd better add that arm sock to my bag for tomorrow...
Call me crazy but those look like DPNs with that sock - not Magic Loop.
Wednesday lunch excursion to Union Square? Just say when.
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