Of course, I didn't return directly to New York from the final hotel. It was more like Baltimore to New York by way of... Boston!
I'm home now. Have been for a little over a week. Started classes last Sunday, and I've been plodding through my reading assignments for my Litigation class. (Not light stuff!) Managed to stop at knit night for a bit Thursday night and then Saturday afternoon (to use my coupon), but that's about it. It's been all about work and school. No knitting, no blogging, not even reading blogs. Certainly no Rhinebeck this weekend. Once I get a better handle on the class workload, I'll be able to get back to a little knitting and blogging.
This coming week is going to be really hectic. We've got a meeting in Deerfield, Mass. On Saturday, which just so happens to be around the corner from the marketplace for the Franklin County Fiber Twist! And--even better--our meeting will be over by 2pm, so I can go play!!! Unfortunately I have to head back to L.I. right after that because I've got class the next morning, but still--I get to go to my first fiber festival!
Time for me to make nappys, so I'll leave you with some random photos from the tail end of my 12-day Elderhostel trip.

They even have penguins!
And finally, here's proof of my vacation knitting--a whole ball of Valley Yarns Northampton knitted up!
I really do love this yarn. A worthy substitute for Cascade 220 in any project!
I finished up the last few stitches as we arrived back at the original hotel. How's that for timing?
1 comment:
Maybe I'll see you on Saturday - I'm still deciding if I want to go. I know I don't *need* to go but I kind of want to, just to get out of the house for the day.
I love your pictures! :o) Good luck with your class workload!
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