please note the deafening sound of crickets...
OK, not quite the monumental moment I would have liked, but, well, at least I'm taking some baby steps. As long as life doesn't get in the way too much, I will hopefully add to this over the coming weeks and turn it into something that people will want to read.
And now on to the reason for this blog's existance--KNITTING!
My yarn obsession of the moment is Malabrigo. A wonderfully soft, luxurious piece of merino heaven, which just begs to be touched, held, fondled... See, I told you it was an obsession! I'm currently using it to make an arm sock for my significant other. After all, winter is coming, and living up in Vermont (he does, not me, but that's another post for another day) it gets mighty cold at night. So, what better to keep him toasty warm than an arm sock made out of the best yarn ever!
And now my first pictures! The sample swatch I made for sizing, and the sock on the needles.

Isn't the color yummy? It's called "Purple Mystery," but it looks a whole lot more blue to me than purple. I bought the skein at Webs in Northampton, MA.

Well, I'll leave you with one more picture--Long Island Sound as I took the ferry from Orient Point to New London this summer.
Hooray! Welcome to the blog world, girlfriend! I knew you couldn't resist for long. I'll be reading and I'll give you a shout out on my blog next week.
Congratulations! Now let's see how many times you catch me reading your blog at the office....
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