Monday, July 06, 2009

Tour de Fleece

The timing of this couldn't be more perfect...

I'm taking the opportunity to really work on significantly improving my wheel spinning skills by taking part in this years Tour de Fleece. My goal--to spin every day, primarily on the wheel, and on those days when the wheel is unavailable I'll spin with a spindle. (Ms. Moosie, to be exact.)

And so far, I've spent time on the wheel every freakin' day!!! And not only have I spun every day, I'm actually starting to suck less! Woot!!!

I don't have any pictures yet to show you, but I'll try to get some during the day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Brooklyn Handspun said...

ohh have fun with the tour de fleece - your new wheel looks great. I keep wanting to get a wheel that I can easily travel with.