A little knitting. Damn little, actually. Over Thanksgiving weekend, up at the house in Vermont, I managed about five rows on the baby sweater. But I wasn't exactly a slacker either. There were windows. Lots of windows. Cleaning them, insulating them, putting up hardware and drapery on them...
(I don't have any pictures of the saran wrap covered windows, but trust me--there's 17 of them, all wrapped and shrunk.)
And there was a new slipcover for the couch...
(and lots of pillows to cushion the couch)
And some Christmas decorating...
And I put together a kitchen cabinet for my new range hood, and installed a roller shade that didn't want to be installed (long story, long struggle), and... well, I think you get the idea. I spent my four-day weekend in Vermont making up for all the time I haven't spent in the house since August.
Since Thanksgiving there has been some knitting. I finished up a baby hat for Knit Unto Others.
If it wasn't for the constant work in the house last weekend, I would have had a couple of more items. Oh well, I'll keep at it. After all, I bought this stuff

Well, that's it for now. Thank you for the kind comments on my last post. The atmosphere in the office still sucks (and will for a long time to come), but things are settling down a little bit. Through the end of the month a lot of people will be taking time off, so I should be able to get things done without a lot of interuptions. And maybe I'll have time at night to blog!
Good night, all!
I know you've been crazy-busy. Thanks for updating us on your life!
I still canNOT believe you got those rugs for $20.
Quiet time in the office the last week of the month leaves all the more time for yarn-crawl lunches. :)
Nice deal on the rugs!
Thanks for keeping us in the know ;o)
Certainly travel to my house this weekend! I have baby blanket 1/2 done to show you, plus a puppy. The Malabrigo warmers look lovely!
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