If I'd had DPNs on the train with me Monday night, I would have finished the one on the right. (It's a plum/purple, even though the picture doesn't look it.) Now all that's left is tieing off the top and weaving the ends in. Then after I got home, I cast on the pink one and started knitting at the dentist yesterday morning. (Yeah, I'm still not done with the whole dentist thing. Yesterday was a temporary crown for the root canal tooth. In three weeks I go back for the permanent crown.)
Here I am modeling the purple hat.
Zee hat... she is mysterious, oui?
Just think of the DPNs as a design element...
These are going so quickly I might be able to make a third one before the 30th. Woo-hoo!
I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you're able to spend time with those you are dearest to you. I'm going to be spending Thanksgiving day with my mother and youngest sister. Then, after a brief trip to the office Friday morning (ugh!) I'm heading up north to Vermont to spend the rest of the weekend (which I'm extending through Tuesday) with my honey! And... on Sunday we're heading down to another meeting in Massachusetts and we're gonna get to see Carole and her honey! And, you know, there it's possible that I might even stop at a yarn store, or two, or more? Maybe??? Of course!
Happy Thanksgiving, Betty! See you on Sunday.
I love my Malabrigo! THANK YOU!
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